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ثااني درس استماع ومحادثة2

بهذا الملخص كثير من المعلومات الاضافية الغير مقررة للفائدة نقلناها لكم Unit Two :An Appointment at the Doctor’s At the baker’s/the butcher’s/grocer’s (‘s=shop) هذه مواقع نصح فيها الدكتور محمد حنفي للترجمة http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english http://www.speakenglish.co.uk/phrases/ تعبيرات ناطقة Clinic Definitions noun a place in which outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, often connected to a hospital a similar place staffed by physicians or surgeons specializing in one or more specific areas ⇒ eye clinic (British) a private hospital or nursing home (obsolete) the teaching of medicine to students at the bedside (US) a place in which medical lectures are given (US) a clinical lecture (mainly US & Canadian) a group or centre that offers advice or instruction ⇒ a vocational clinic nursing home a private hospital or residence staffed and equipped to care for aged or infirm persons (British) a pri...

مقدمة فنون ادبية2

هذا الملخص اللي بثاني محاضرة وطبعا الدكتور رجع يشرح من اول ولذلك حبيت انقل لكم كما شرح POETRY Poetry is a form of literature that has a special form on the page, employs certain sound devices, like rhyme and meter, and expresses the personal experience of the poet about its subject. The poet uses language not to convey information, but to express his feelings in a beautiful way. In other words, language is used in poetry to create a sense of beauty. Imagery The representation of sense experiences through language Imagery is descriptions in words that make us imagine or form mental pictures in our minds. Images are expressions that appeal to the different senses of sight, hearing, touch, or smell. Imagery allows the poet to express the abstract in terms of the concrete. Example: When the writer describes a garden, the green lawn, the colorful flowers, the singing birds, and the murmuring waterfalls, we read the description and imagine the colors, the sounds, and the s...