
عرض المشاركات من أبريل ٥, ٢٠١٢

بعض ما جاء في المحاضرة رقم 6 للدكتور اشرف

top story   افضل قصة land   تهبط take off      " تقلع "الطائرة passenger   راكب serious injuries .  اصابات خطيرة had to  كان يجب وهي الماضي من must hurt  يصاب بأذى witness     شاهد  ran out of      نفدت Beside     بجانب besides      بالأضافة إلى  للموضوع بقية بشكل اوسع وتغطية لكامل الفصل

استخدامات حروف الجر مع بعض القواعد

business management meet enviroment weekend possible dance clubs LANGUAGE USE 1- library where borrow books /bookstore ( bookshop ) where we buy books. 2 - mate / match the one I look for to marry. - She looks for her perfect mate ( match ). 3- ON = The internet / the web / the computer / the phone / the campus= ( we use ON ) ON =( days of the week )=( Monday - Sunday -..... Friday)/ my birthday. on the other hand/ holiday / the TV/ the radio. 4 - IN =( years- months- seasons) (1999 / March / summer / in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening) 5 - AT = ( specific time Ex/ six o'clock / at night / at noon /at dawn ) 6- in they are in love. 7- Become = ( grow / turn / fall) = ( Change) - grow = ( human qualities) made / angry / old /fat / excited / bored . )للصفات الانسانيه - turn =( color ) He turned pale / She turned red. - fall ( dead - asleep) 8- search for / communicate with - I search f...