
عرض المشاركات من مارس 5, 2013

اول درس استماع ومحادثة 2

زملائنا الافاضل...هذا اول درس استماع , والاسئلة مو محلولة ,,اول ماانزلها وورد الاجابات رح تلقونها بالردود بإذن المولى عز وجل " Jazan University Deanship of E- & Distance Learning Faculty of Arts & Humanities Dept. Of English". Listening & Speaking II Listening & Speaking II Course Objectives 1-Identify the topic, main idea, and supporting details from a listening text. 2-Find and understand detailed information in short audio listening Segments. 3-Take brief notes on short audio listening segments. 4-Discuss topics and carry out tasks in small groups. 5-Develop vocabulary and recognize grammatical structures related to listening tasks. 6-Participate constructively in complete conversations in different circumstances. 7-Participate constructively in group discussion. 8-Give clear oral presentations in front of the class. 9-Demonstrate understandable pronunciation. 10-Identify the intended meaning of the speaker(s) from the tone. ...