المحاضرة الاولى للقواعد2
هذا ملخص لاول محاضرة قواعد مستو ى رابع وقريبا بإذن الله تعال ى بننزل الشرائح كلها بصيغة الوورد Jazan University. Deanship of E-& Distance Learning GRAMMAR 2 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: 1-learn how to make a correct English sentence. 2-Use count and non-count nouns. 3-Connect sentences. 4-Use adverbs and adjectives correctly. 5-Use tenses properly. 6-Use appositive phrases. 7-Use grammar functionally. 8-Be familiar with phrasal verbs. 9-Be familiar with kinds of clauses. 10-Use grammar in conversational situations. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1-Pronouns. 2-MODALS. 3-Nouns. 4-FUTURE PERFECT TENSE. 5-FUTURE PROGRESSIVE TENSE. 6-Connectives that express condition. 7-Past Perfect Tense. 8-Conditional Sentences. 9-Phrasal Verbs. 10- Conjunctions. 11- Active & Passive sentences. 12- Reported Speech. 13-Misused Words. ...