
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر 5, 2013

اكتساب لغه ثالث درس

اخواتي واخوتي ..هل تعلمون ان الاختبارات ماباقي لها الا شهر!! المهم هذه ملخص لاسهل درس مر علي بمادة الاكتساب واتمنى يكون كمان سهل لكم كذلك بالتوفيق Definition of General Terms and Concepts First language L1/ (mother tongue) The first language learned by a person; native language. Case of Saudi Arabia, Arabic is the mother tongue/ first language / the native language of the Saudi people. English is the first language of American, British, Australian. Second language/ Foreign language A second language or L2 is any language learned after one's first language. Some languages, often called auxiliary languages, are used primarily as second languages or lingua francas. Second Language; Foreign Language: The language a person knows, is learning or is acquiring in addition to their native language (L1). Acquisition (as opposed to learning) depends on children receiving linguistic input during the critical period. The critical period is defined as the window of time, up to a...