
عرض المشاركات من مايو 20, 2014

علم الصرف وتركيب الجملة

 what is morphology?   What are words, morphemes?   Explain segmentation with examples. (4) Free morpheme and bound morphemes wtih examples. (5) Types of words: simple, complex and compound.   word formation. (7)Explain syntax with examples.   word categories/parts of speech. (9)Tree diagram  (10) Kinds of phrases (11) Classes of verb: transitive, intransitive, ditransitive intensive and complex transitive, prepositional verb (12) verb groups (13) form and function (14) subject and predicate (15)Types of nouns: pronouns, indefinite nouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative and possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns (16) Types of clauses.