ثااني درس استماع ومحادثة2
بهذا الملخص كثير من المعلومات الاضافية الغير مقررة
للفائدة نقلناها لكم
Unit Two :An Appointment at the Doctor’s
At the baker’s/the butcher’s/grocer’s (‘s=shop)
هذه مواقع نصح فيها الدكتور محمد حنفي للترجمة
http://www.speakenglish.co.uk/phrases/تعبيرات ناطقة
a place in which outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, often
connected to a hospital
a similar place staffed by physicians or surgeons specializing in one or more
specific areas ⇒ eye clinic
(British) a private hospital or nursing home
(obsolete) the teaching of medicine to students at the bedside
(US) a place in which medical lectures are given
(US) a clinical lecture
(mainly US & Canadian) a group or centre that offers advice or instruction ⇒ a vocational clinic
nursing home
a private hospital or residence staffed and equipped to care for aged or infirm
(British) a private maternity home
Table of Contents
1-Pre-listening Questions
1-Do you go for regular medical check-ups? Why?
2-Mention some of the common diseases in your country..
3- Do you prefer to see a specialist or any available doctor when you feel ill?
4-When was the last time you went to a doctor?
5-What should you do or not do with your medicines?
6- Do you think traditional therapies or modern medicine is better? Why or why
7- What should you keep in your first aid kit?
8- How do you take someone’s temperature?
9- Have you ever heard about swine flu (H1N1)?Explain.
10- Why should you use interdental brushes?
11- Can people get infections from animals?
12- When are vaccinations given?
13-Name some symptoms of anxiety disorder.
14-How can a patient help the doctor diagnose his problem and prescribe
medicine for his condition.
An Appointment at the Doctor’s
1-Pre-listening Questions
first-aid kit (noun)
a box containing equipment needed to give immediate medical help in an
medicine (ˈmɛdɪsɪn; ˈmɛdsɪn) noun
any drug or remedy for use in treating, preventing, or alleviating the symptoms
of disease
the science of preventing, diagnosing, alleviating, or curing disease
any nonsurgical branch of medical science
the practice or profession of medicine ⇒
he's in medicine
take one's medicine : to accept a deserved punishment
swine flu (swaɪn fluː) noun
(veterinary science) a respiratory disease of pigs caused by a swine influenza
virus, characterized by influenza-like symptoms such as chills, fever, sore
throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general
(medicine) the strain of this disease that can be passed to humans; it is
occasionally fatal, esp in people who have a pre-existing medical condition
swine (swaɪn) noun
Word forms: plural swines : a coarse or contemptible person
Word forms: plural swine :another name for a pig/ old use :a pig
1-Pre-listening Questions
تسمى فيروسات الإنفلوزا تبعاً لنوع
البروتينات السكرية التي تغطي المادة النووية. فالحرف H يرمز لبروتين الراصة الدموية (بالإنجليزية: hemagglutinin) والحرف N يرمز
لنورامينداز (بالإنجليزية:
neuraminidase). وكما
كل الفيروسات التابعة لمجموعة الأورثوميكسوفيريداي يتم إضافة المكان الجغرافي التي
وجد فيها الفيروس وسنة عزل الفيروس للاسم العلمي.
إنفلونزا الخنازير هي عدوى فيروسية
إنتشرت في المكسيك والولايات المتحدة ودول أخرى، سببها أحد فصائل H1N1 الذي
نتج من إعادة تشكيل لأصناف تصيب الخنازير وأخرى تصيب الطيور وأخرى تصيب البشر.
interdental (ˌɪntəˈdɛntəl) adjective
situated between teeth
(phonetics) (of a consonant) pronounced with the tip of the tongue lying
between the upper and lower front teeth, as for the th sounds in English thin
and then
interdental brush (ˌɪntəˈdɛntəl) noun
(dentistryطب الاسنان) a small brush
that is used to clean between the teeth
تغيير شاشة لوح المعلومات إلى "Slide7".
2 Vocabulary Preview. Try to guess the meaning of the
following words
Make An Appointment
Pick up
Sprain my ankle
Go down
Paint can
Drove past
2 Vocabulary Preview. Try to guess the meaning of the
following words
refer someone or something (verb): directed or pointed to - My brother referred
me to this doctor. - Please refer to page 30 in your textbook. You will find
more information on heart disease on that page.
happen (verb): have the chance or possibility of something - I think he happens
to know a doctor who might be able to help you. Give him a call.
nature (noun): purpose - What is the nature of your problem?
sprain (verb): twist suddenly - I need to see a doctor today. I think I
sprained knee when I slipped on the ice outside of my apartment.
case (noun): special circumstances or situation - Wow. That looks like a bad
cut. In this case, you'd better see a doctor and get stitches. ((غرزة –إبره
That cut won't heal well by itself.
an opening :the first part or stage of something
pick up :to collect or give a lift to (passengers, hitchhikers, goods, etc)
hitchhike (ˈhɪtʃˌhaɪk) verb
- to travel by obtaining free lifts in motor vehicles
Scratch 1cut خدش
-[countable]a small cut on someone's skin: There were deep scratches all over
her face.
-Don't worry, it's only a scratch (=not a serious injury).
-She was unharmed apart from a few cuts and scratches
2 Vocabulary Preview. Try to guess the meaning of the
following words
Land = fall/come down
-فعل لازم غير متعد [intransitive
always + adverb/preposition]to come down through the air onto something [=
drop] land in/on/under etc
-A large branch landed on the hood of my car.غطاء محرك السيارة (الكبوت)
-Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush.شجرة شائكة الاطراف-خميلة-أيكة
-He fell and landed heavily on the floor.-A couple of bombs landed quite near
to the village
[not before noun]involved in something or affected by it:
Some of the farmers concerned suffer particularly from the low prices.
We are trying to reach an agreement with all concerned (=everyone who is
involved or affected).
concerned with all the people concerned with children's education
concerned in There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal
2 worried
worried about something concerned about She is concerned about how little food
I eat.
concerned for
He called the police because he was concerned for Gemma's safety.
concerned (that)
Pamela was concerned that her schoolwork had deteriorated despite her hard
2 Vocabulary Preview. Try to guess the meaning of the
following words
Land = fall/come down
-فعل لازم غير متعد [intransitive
always + adverb/preposition]to come down through the air onto something [=
drop] land in/on/under etc
-A large branch landed on the hood of my car.غطاء محرك السيارة (الكبوت)
-Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush.شجرة شائكة الاطراف-خميلة-أيكة
-He fell and landed heavily on the floor.-A couple of bombs landed quite near
to the village
[not before noun]involved in something or affected by it:
Some of the farmers concerned suffer particularly from the low prices.
We are trying to reach an agreement with all concerned (=everyone who is
involved or affected).
concerned with all the people concerned with children's education
concerned in There was no evidence that he was concerned in any criminal
2 worried
worried about something concerned about She is concerned about how little food
I eat.
concerned for
He called the police because he was concerned for Gemma's safety.
concerned (that)
Pamela was concerned that her schoolwork had deteriorated despite her hard
2 Vocabulary Preview. Try to guess the meaning of the
following words
1 [countable] an area of your body that has become larger than normal, because
of illness or injury swelling in/on a painless swelling in his neck
2 [uncountable]the condition of having swelled: The spider's bite can cause
pain and swelling.
These tablets should reduce the swelling.
go down
also preposition to move or lead to or as if to a lower place or level; sink,
decline, decrease, etc ⇒ the ship went down this morning, prices are going down, the
path goes down to the sea
to be defeated; lose
to be remembered or recorded (esp in the phrase go down in history)
(of food) to be swallowed
(British) to leave a college or university at the end of a term or the academic
usually followed by with to fall ill; be infected
(British, slang) to go to prison, esp for a specified period ⇒ he went down for six months
(slang (mainly US) to happen
-Related English Vocabulary and Phrases
-feel under the weather - insurance paperwork -current medical condition
-medication -examination rooms -vital signs -look me over -diagnosis -infection
- reception area -general practitioner -medical care -clinic -consult a doctor
-health insurance -medical exam -side effects - stuffy nose
- herbal medicine -backache -sore eyes
-Related English Vocabulary and Phrases
-feel under the weather
be/feel under the weather: to feel ill I'm feeling a little under the weather -
I think I may have caught a cold.
-Paperwork :عمل ورقى
معاملات-استخدام الورق فى العملWork involving the handling of reports, letters, and forms
medication (ˌmɛdɪˈkeɪʃən) noun
treatment with drugs or remedies -a drug or remedy
vital signs (medicine) indications that a person is still alive. Vital signs
include a heartbeat, a pulse that can be felt, breathing, and body temperature
Look me -over (examine)
inspect quickly something; survey: they were giving the car a thorough
reception area (rɪˈsɛpʃən ˈɛərɪə) noun
-the waiting area in a hotel near the desk or office where guests can books
rooms or ask the staff questions
-the waiting area in an office or hospital near the counter where people's
appointments and questions are dealt with
general practitioner noun
a physician who does not specialize but has a medical practice (general
practice) in which he deals with all illnesses Informal name: family doctor
health insurance (hɛlθ ɪnˈʃʊərəns) noun
-(insurance) insurance which covers medical expenses
side effect noun
-any unwanted nontherapeutic effect caused by a drug -any secondary effect, esp
an undesirable one
-Related English Vocabulary and Phrases
- stuffy nose :nasal congestion اختناق واحتباس أنفي (مزكوم)
Stuffy nose: : The presence of increased secretions and mucus in the nasal
passages, most commonly arising as a result of a common cold, allergic
reaction, or inflammation or infection of the paranasal sinuses (sinus
جيوب أنفية-مادة مخاطية
- herbal medicine -backache
-sore eyes sore-eyed - having sore eyes; suffering from pinkeye or
رمد-التهاب الملتحمة –احتقان واحمرار العين
-Common Symptoms and Treatment
3- Common Expressions
Frequently Asked Questions and Responses at the Doctor’s
-Doctor : What seems to be the problem?
- Patient : My right knee hurts when I bend it.
-Doctor : Where does it hurt?
- Patient : My left ear.
-Doctor : How long has it hurt?
- Patient : It started to hurt two days ago?
-Doctor : Have you done or eaten anything unusual in the last few days?
-Patient : No, just the normal stuff.
Doctor : Let’s check you blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.
- Patient : OK.
-Doctor : You need an injection of penicillin and I’ll give you a prescription
for pain pills.مسكن
-Patient : Can’t I have a pill instead, I hate shots.
3- Common Questions and Expressions by a Doctor
- Hello! I’m Dr. John. How may I help you? -Good morning. Please have a seat
here. What´s the problem?
-How long have you been sick? -Do you have diarrhea?
-When was the last time you saw a doctor? -You mean you feel nauseous?
-Well let’s take your temperature and blood pressure and see how they are.
- You will need to take two pills every two hours for three days. -Your throat
is also sore.
- It looks like you have the flu. -There is a flu/bad cold going around.
- I will give you a prescription. -You have a major hangover.
- If you are not well after that, come back and see me. -Did you feel shivering
during the night?
-You can take the prescription and get it filled out at any pharmacy.
-Don’t go to office today. Take complete rest. Avoid cold drinks or oily meals.
-Two doses. When you reach your home eat something light and take the first
dose. It contains three tablets and one capsule. Repeat the same after five
- Can you please tell me your name and your symptoms? -When did the symptoms
-What seems to be the problem today. -How long has this been going on?
-Have you done anything or eaten anything unusual in the last couple of days?
-Your blood pressure and pulse are normal. -It’ll be OK in a few days.
-You might want to put on a cold pack. -You’ll feel good as new tomorrow.
-I suggest taking some aspirin, drinking lots of water, eating something light
and going back to bed.
-You should stay off your feet for a day or so. -How do you feel?
-What can I do for you? -When did this all start?
-Please lie down there. ... Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.
-We´ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. -I´ll give you a
prescription for indigestion tablets.
Questions and Expressions by a Patient
-I have a fever and my head hurts, I also have an earache.-Can you give me
something for the time being?
- I’m not feeling well. - I’m not sure Doctor, I just feel lousy all over.
- Last year in December for a routine checkup. -I fell down when I was getting
out of my car.
- I have a splitting headache and my stomach is upset. -My right elbow is
-What can I do to feel better? -I’ve been sick for 3 days.
-Thank you, doctor. You’re a life saver. -I started to feel sick.
-I feel worse than before. -I feel hot and tired and don’t sleep well at night.
-Is there anything you can give me? -That´s right. I feel like vomiting.
-And right now I feel dizzy, too. -I have a terrible stomachache.
-Yesterday evening I ate something raw. -Ouch. It hurts there.
-Any precautions doctor? -How much shall I pay you doctor?
-My whole body is aching. -I also have cough.
-From where shall I get my blood tested? -How many doses have you given me?
Listen to the conversation. Then answer the following
What is the main idea of the conversation?
Listening for Main Idea
Listen for the answers to these questions.
1-Mention the doctor’s name.
2-What does the caller want?
3-Has the patient seen the doctor before? Why?
4- Give the name of the patient.
5- Who pointed or directed the patient to the doctor’s?
6-When does the receptionist suggest the patient to see the doctor first?
7-Why does the man prefer another earlier time?
8-What alternative times does the receptionist recommend?
9-Finally,when is the patient’s appointment with the osteopath?
10-Why does the receptionist ask for the man’s phone number?
11-For what purpose does the man need medical exam by the doctor?
5-Listening Questions
(Listening for Details)
Listen for the answers to these questions.
12-Name some symptoms from which the patient suffers.
13-What really bothers the man?
14-What did the man directly do after he fell down?
14-Why is the paint can a big trouble?
15-What does the woman recommend the man to do?
5-Listening Questions
(Listening for Details)
6-Notice the Following
Word Stress/Sentence Stress
Stressed/Unstressed Words
The -s Ending
The -ed Ending
7- Listen to the conversation again , and fill in
the blanks.
During listening ,try to give examples of:
-Word Stress/Sentence Stress
-Stressed /Unstressed Words
-The –s ending
-The –ed ending
Receptionist: Dr. Carter's Office.
Ronald: Yes, I'd like to make __(1)__to see Dr. Carter, please.
Receptionist: Is this your first visit?
Ronald: Yes it is.
Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your __(2)__ please?
Ronald: Yes. My name is __(3)__.
Receptionist: And may I ask who __(4)__ you to our office?
Ronald: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday.
Receptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at __(5)__?
Ronald: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I usually pick up
__(6)__from school around that time.
Receptionist: Okay. Um . . . how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thursday at 8:15
Ronald: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30?
Receptionist: No. __(7)__.
Ronald: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fine.
Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your __(8)__please?
Ronald: It's 643-0547.
Receptionist: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit?
Ronald: Uh . . .
Receptionist: Yes sir.
Ronald: Well, to tell the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while
painting my house, and I __(9)__my ankle when my foot landed in a paint can. I
suffered a few __(10)__ on my hands and knees, but I'm most concerned that the
swelling in my ankle hasn't gone down yet.
Receptionist: Well, did you put __(11)__ on it immediately after this happened?
Ronald: Well yeah. I just filled the paint can with ice and . . .
Receptionist: And so after you __(12)__ the paint can . . . Sir, sir, Mr.
Schuller, are you still there?
Ronald: Well that's part of the problem. Uh, the paint can is still on my foot.
Receptionist: Look, Mr. Schuller. Please __(13__today. I don't think your case
can wait.
Complete the sentences using words from the box
1-These tablets should reduce the _____.
2-She was unharmed apart from a few cuts and_________.
3-Will you______ the children from school?
4-He hurt himself falling off _______.
5-I thought my wrist might be broken, but it was just a bad _____.
Put the parts in order to form a sentence
can-I-my-when-two-I-to -the-a- my-landed-painting-paint-,-truth-,-from- a-
days- while-ankle- house-,- and-sprain-fell- tell- my- foot- in- Well- ago-
8-Vocabulary Practice
A ladder-Sprain-Swelling-Scratches-Pick up
9-Oral Practice
Now Listen and Repeat
You’re going to listen to the conversation sentence by sentence.
During the pause ,repeat the sentence after the speaker.
Pair Work
Imagine that you are at the dentist’s. Make up a conversation with your partner
in which you play the roles of a dentist and a patient.
Helping Vocabulary
-dental check up - cavity -x-ray gums - use toothpaste - dental floss - tooth
-dental cleaning -remove the decay -dental assistant -put a filling in
-drink something cold -a crown on tooth -painful -relax -anaesthetic -brush
your teeth -a dental exam -have braces -pull tooth wisdom -remove tartar
buildup -sit in the waiting room -an orthodontist -bother me
-inspect -detect -plaque -polish