اسئله وحلول قطع ص184-185-204
هذه اسئله على القطعه في صفحة184وحلول ......... 1-Why does the ship sink? لماذا غرق المركب -The ship sinks because of the hurricane بسبب العاصفه . 2-What is a hurricane? ماذا تعني عاصفه؟ -It is a strong storm. ريح قويه 3-Where does the ship sink? اين غرق المركب -The ship sinks near the coast of Africa. قرب ساحل افرقيا 4-Who raises the baby in the jungle? – من ربى الطفل في الغابه؟ The gorilla and her mate raise the baby. غوريلا ورفيقه ربى الطفل 5-Why does professor Porter come to the jungle? لماذا جاء البروفيسور بورتر الى الغابه -They come to study the wildlife. لدراسة الحياة البرية 6-Why does the ape-man feel confused? لماذا يشعر الرجل القرد بمشاعر الحيرة؟ -He feels confused because he has feelings toward his kind, and wants to stay with the apes. 7-What do the explorers think of the jungle man? ماذا يعتقد المستكشفون في الرجل القرد؟ -They think that he must be the missing link between apes and human beings. يعتقد...