ثااني درس استماع ومحادثة2
بهذا الملخص كثير من المعلومات الاضافية الغير مقررة للفائدة نقلناها لكم Unit Two :An Appointment at the Doctor’s At the baker’s/the butcher’s/grocer’s (‘s=shop) هذه مواقع نصح فيها الدكتور محمد حنفي للترجمة http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english http://www.speakenglish.co.uk/phrases/ تعبيرات ناطقة Clinic Definitions noun a place in which outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, often connected to a hospital a similar place staffed by physicians or surgeons specializing in one or more specific areas ⇒ eye clinic (British) a private hospital or nursing home (obsolete) the teaching of medicine to students at the bedside (US) a place in which medical lectures are given (US) a clinical lecture (mainly US & Canadian) a group or centre that offers advice or instruction ⇒ a vocational clinic nursing home a private hospital or residence staffed and equipped to care for aged or infirm persons (British) a pri...