تلخيص محاضرة القواعد (1)
Objectives of the course
اهداف المقرر
1-learn how to make a correct English sentence
تعلم كيف صنع جمله انجليزيه صحيحه
2-use count and non-count nouns
استعمال الاسماء المعدوده وغير المعدوده
3-connect sentences
الربط بين الجمل
4-use adverbs and adjectives correctly
استخدام الحال والصفه بشكل صحيح
5-use tenses properly
استخدام الزمن المضارع
6-use appositive phrases
استخدام البدل
7-use grammar functionally
8-be familiar with phrasal verbs
تكون الافعال مع حروف الجر
9-be familiar with kinds of clauses .
تكون الانواع المألوفه من الجمل
10-use grammar in conversational situations.
استخدام القواعد في المحادثات المختلفه
Pronouns they are thing we use to replace nouns.
الضمائر هي شيئ نستخدمه ليحل محل الاسماء
Ashraf is a teacher
Pro(in the place of)noun
My father and my mother are doctors .
ابي وامي اطباء
They are doctors .
هم أطباء
Pronouns are the words that can replace nouns.
Mona is clever .she is clever. منى ذكية.هي ذكية
We have many kinds of pronouns ,some of them are:
توجد انواع كثيرة من الضمائر ومنها:
1-personal pronouns (i-we)
2-possessive pronouns (mine-ours)
3-pronouns acting like adjectives (possessive adjectives ) (my-her-his)
4-reflexive pronouns (myself-herself-himself)
5-demonstrative pronouns (this-those)
6-relative pronouns (who-which-whose) Personal pronouns are like : الضمائر الشخصيه مثل:
-they are clever students. انهم طلاب اذكياء
-he is a teacher of English هو مدرس لغة انجليزيه
-I saw her in the classroom رأيتها في الفصل
-personal pronouns can
I >>me
He >>him
He is a teacher .
I love him .(object)
I play with him(preposition)
Personal pronouns : الضمائر الشخصيه :
*before the verb قبل الفعل
*after the verb بعد الفعل
*after the preposition بعد حرف الجر
Exa" امثلة للضمائر الشخصيه
I am happy.
Mona hates me.
She goes with me.
He>>him /she>>her /they>>them /we>>us /it>>it / you>>you
1-I love teaching .the students hate me .
2-they hit the ball .the teacher punished them.
3-the workers went with them.
I = me /he = him /she = her /we= us / the = them /you=you /it =it
Pronouns :
2-pronouns (acting like adjectives)
الضمائر(التي تربط بين الشئ والشخص)
They always come before nouns indicate that. هي دائمآ تأتي قبل الاسماء وتشير اليها
Something /someone belongs to someone else /some thing else
My cat feels cold
Our neighbors are nosy its tail is long
3-possessive pronouns are the words that can replace a possessive adjective plus its nouns .
الضمائر الملكية تدل على تملك الشخص للشيء
Mona has a car .her car is a fiat .hers is a fiat.
Our teacher is from japan. ours from japan.
I me my
He him his
She her her
We us our
They them their
You you your
Exa :
-we are happy teacher love us
-our class is decorated.
-they are farmers .the government helped them.their farms are fruitful
-he is angry .the teacher gave him a bag zero. his answer was bad .
Is there a difference in meaning between "he" and "him"?
هل هناك اختلاف بين he و him
No… طبعا لا يوجد اختلاف وكلاهما بنفس المعنى ولكن تختلف فقط مواقعها
Personal pronouns
امثلة للضمائر الملكيه
1-we are lazy. the teachers hate us.our homework is bad ours is untidy .
2-he works in a factory .the workers are against him. his factory is huge. his
3-she discovered a rare disease . the ministry honored her . her discover is a big achievement . hers helped humanity (her(noun)-hers)
4-they found a cave . the animals attacked them . their clothes were torn . theirs were brand new.
5-i hate insects . they bite me. My life is ruined by insects mine is apiece of hell.
4-demonstrative pronouns are the words used to replace a specific person or something . they replace a noun this is blue (car) ضمائر الاشارة,هي تشير الى شئ سواء قريب او بعيد مثل هذه لونها ازرق..وهذه تشير الى السيارة
Those are worn .(my shoes) هذه يتم ارتداؤها(حذائي)
That is crazy .(your words) هذه مجنونة(كلماتك)
These are clever .(the drivers) هذه ذكيه (انظمة التشغيل)
طبعا لكل من هذه الضمائر مكان...مثل Thatمعناه ذاك وذلك وتلك ويستخدم للمفرد البعيد
اما These هي صيغة الجمع لضمير الاشارةthisهذه معناه هؤلاء ويستخدم للجمع القريب
و Thoseهي صيغة الجمع لضمير الاشارهthat ومعناه تلك ,اولئك حيث يستخدم للجمع البعيد
5-reflexive pronouns are the words that refer to the noun to assert it.
I myself saw the accident.
I met the experts themselves .
6- relatives pronouns (who-which-whose-whom-that)
Are used to connect two sentences .
I saw the man whom you hate .
The book that you bought is uninteresting.
Demonstrative pronouns .
The wall is high . this is high
That these those
This is mean.
This is beautiful.
I cut my self.
She hates herself .
We respect ourselves .
I myself went to college .