اكتساب لغه ثالث درس

اخواتي واخوتي ..هل تعلمون ان الاختبارات ماباقي لها الا شهر!!
المهم هذه ملخص لاسهل درس مر علي بمادة الاكتساب واتمنى يكون كمان سهل لكم كذلك

Definition of General Terms and Concepts
First language L1/ (mother tongue)
The first language learned by a person; native language. Case of Saudi Arabia, Arabic is the mother tongue/ first language / the native language of the Saudi people. English is the first language of American, British, Australian.
Second language/ Foreign language
A second language or L2 is any language learned after one's first language. Some languages, often called auxiliary languages, are used primarily as second languages or lingua francas.
Second Language; Foreign Language: The language a person knows, is learning or is acquiring in addition to their native language (L1).
Acquisition (as opposed to learning) depends on children receiving linguistic input during the critical period. The critical period is defined as the window of time, up to about the age of twelve or puberty, in which humans can acquire first languages. Children must receive adequate linguistic input including phonology (speech sounds), semantics (vocabulary and meaning), grammar (syntax or word order and morphology or grammatical markers), and pragmatics (use and context) and prosody (intonation, rhythm, stress) before the end of the critical period in order to acquire their first languages.
Second language Acquisition
The definition of second language acquisition and learning is learning and acquisition of a second language once the mother tongue or first language acquisition is established.
Second language acquisition or SLA is the process of learning other languages in addition to the native language.
For instance, a child who speaks Hindi as the mother tongue starts learning English when he starts going to school. English is learned by the process of second language acquisition. In fact, a young child can learn a second language faster than an adult can learn the same language. If you speak Arabic as your first language, then learn to speak English fluently, you acquired English as your second language.
Language acquisition
Language acquisition is a natural, unconscious progression or development of language. It is a process that occurs through language use in ordinary conversation and is the typical progression by which infants and young children first learn to talk.
Tools of Acquisition
Second Language Learning
Language learning, in contrast to language acquisition, is the process whereby humans past the critical period learn second languages.
All humans have the ability to learn additional languages although, just as with other areas of study like math or science, some people are better at learning second languages than others.
Second Language Learning (Cont.)
Older children and adults may learn one or more second languages.
For example, a woman who acquired French as a child and learned English as an adult would have one first language (French) and one second language (English). Similarly, a man who acquired Japanese as a child and learned English and Spanish as an adult would also have one first language (Japanese) but two second languages (English and Spanish).
How do children ‘acquire’ their mother tongue?


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