Listening & Speaking II 221 ENG

Chapter 1                Education and Student Life 

Page 2

Q 1 What is an empty mind?

Q 2 What is an open mind?

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”

      Page 5

2. Previewing Vocabulary Listen to the underlined words and phrases from the conversation. Then use the context to match them with their definitions. 


D      1      I’m going to sign up for an
exercise class at the gym.

C      2      She’s planning to major in
art at the University of Washington.

B      3      I don’t like classical music,
but I am really into jazz.

A      4      You have to get a good
education if you want to get ahead in life.

E      5      She has a successful career
as a fashion designer.

a.     to succeed

b.     to like or to love (slang)

c.     to focus or specialize in a
particular subject at a university

d.     to register or to join

e.     a profession or a job

3 Comprehension Questions Listen to the conversation. You don’t need to understand all the words. Just listen for the answers to these questions.

1. Where are the women going? Why?

They are going to Campbell Hall to take placement test.

2. Who is Nancy? What does she do?

Nancy is an English teacher.

3. Who is Mari? Where is she from?

Mari is a student. She comes from Japan.               

4. How did Mari learn to speak English?

When Mari was little, her family used to come to the U.S every summer to visit her grandmother.

5. Why does Mari need to take an English course?

She needs to improve her writing skill.

6. What does Mari want to major in?

She wants to major in international business.

4. Listening for Stressed Words Listen to the conversation again. Some of the stressed words are missing. During each pause, repeat the phrase or sentence. Then fill in the missing stressed words.

Page 6, 7

Mari: Excuse me. Could you tell me where Kimball Hall is?

Nancy: Oh, you mean Campbell Hall?

Mari: Oh yeah, right.

Nancy: Do you see that brown building over there?

Mari: Uh, behind the fountain?

Nancy: Yeah, that’s it. Come on, I’m going there too. Are you here for the English placement test?

Mari: Yes, I am. How about you?

Nancy: Actually, I’m one of the English teachers here.

Mari: Oh really? Maybe I’ll be in your class!

Nancy: It’s possible. What’s your name?

Mari: Mariko Honda, but most people call me Mari. And you?

Nancy: I’m Nancy Anderson. So, where are you from?

Mari: Japan.

Nancy: Aha. And, uh, how long have you been here?

Mari: Just three weeks.
Nancy: Really? But your English sounds great!

Mari: Thanks. That’s because my family used to come here every summer to visit my grandmother when I was little. I can speak pretty well.

Nancy: Mmm-hmmm.

Mari: But now I want to go to college here, so I need to improve my skills, especially writing. Yeah, so, us, that’s why I signed up for this English program.

Nancy: I see. Uh, what do you want to major in?

Mari: International business. My father has an import export company, and he does a lot of business here in the States.

Nancy: Oh, I see.

Mari: And I also want to take art classes, because I am really into art.

Nancy: Art and business. Wow. That’s an interesting combination. But can’t you study those things in Japan?

Mari: Well, sure, but you have to speak good English these days to get ahead in business. It’s better for my career if I go to college here.

Nancy: Well, here’s Campbell Hall. Good luck on the placement exam. It was nice meeting you, Mari.

Mari: Thanks. You too.

Nancy: See you later.

Mari: Bye-bye

5. Comparing Unreduced and Reduced Pronunciation. The following sentences are from the conversation. Listen for the difference between unreduced and reduced pronunciation. Repeat both forms after the speaker.

Page 8

Unreduced Pronunciation                    

1.  Could you tell where Kimbell Hall is?

2.  Oh, you mean Campbell Hall?

3.  How about you?

4.  What’s your name?

5.  My family used to come here every summer.

6.  I want to go to college here.

7.  What do you want to major in?

8.  You have to speak good English these days to get ahead in business.

 Reduced Pronunciation

Cudja tell me where Kimbell Hall is?

Oh, y’mean Campbell Hall?

How boutchu?

Whatcher name?

My family yoosta come here every summer.

I wanna go ta college here.

Whaddaya wanna major in?
You hafta speak good English these days ta get ahead in business.

6. Listening for Reductions Listen to the following conversation between an international student and a school office assistant. You’ll hear the reduced pronunciation of some words. Write the unreduced forms of the missing words in the blanks.

Page 8

A: Could you help me, please? I used to be a student at this school.

B: Oh yeah, I remember you. How are you?

A: Fine, thanks.

B: Can I help you with something?

A: Yes, I want to get an application for the TOEFL test.

B: You mean the international TOEFL iBT? Let’s see. They used to be here on this shelf. It looks like they’re all gone. I’m sorry, you’ll have to wait until they come in next week.

A: How about sending me on when they come in?

B: No problem. What’s your name and address?

Page 11

1 Prelistening Quiz How much do you know about typical university courses in the United States and Canada? Take this short quiz and find out. Write T if you think a statement is true and F if you think it is false. Then discuss your responses with your classmates. When you listen to the lecture, you will learn the correct answer.

1.  T Some undergraduate lecture classes may have 300 students in them.

2.  F Courses at American and Canadian universities are taught only by professors.

3.  F The information in lectures is the same as the information in textbooks, so attending lectures is usually not necessary.

4.  F Your homework will always be read and corrected by your professor.

5.  F A discussion section is a class where students meet informally to help each other with their coursework.

6.  F The ability to write well is not very important for undergraduates.

7.  F Only graduate students are requ8ired to do research.

8.  T If you cheat and you are caught, you might have to leave the university.

Page 11

3 Note-Taking Pretest Listen to the first half of the lecture and take notes in any way you can. Don’t worry about doing it the “right” way this first time. Just do your best. Use you own paper.

Using you notes, choose the best answers to the questions below:

1.   Which two topics will the speaker talk about?
A. types of courses          C. course requirements
B. academic advising          D. student government

2. Which of the following is not a type of university course?
A. lecture                           C. advising
B. lab                                D. discussion section

3. Which two statement are true?
A. American students use their lecture notes to study for exams.
B. In undergraduate courses, the professors meet privately with every student.
C. Discussion sections can have 300 students.
D. The place where science majors do experiments is called a lab.

4 Taking Notes on the Introduction Listen to the lecture introduction again and fill in the blanks.

Page 12

Topic of the lecture: Universities system in the U.S and Canada

Main ideas that the speaker will discuss:

Types of courses, Course requirements............

للموضوع بقية قريباً.......


مجهوود كبير تشكر عليه
واسمح لي باضافه بسيطه عليه
السؤال بصفحة5
السؤال الخامس ((مميز الخامس بالصفحة الخامسه))
اعتقد انه لو جاوبنا هكذا بيكون افضل
she need to improve her skills, especially writing.
هي بحاجه لتطوير مهاراتها خصوصآ الكتابه
وكذلك صفحة 12
1-three types of universty courses
2- course requiemente
‏قال غســـــق
جزاك الله كل خير اخونا snow على هذه المجهودات الرائعة والمفيدة
والتي تحتم علينا كل الشكر والتقدير لشخصكم الكريم المعطاء
الى الامام دائما ان شاء الله

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

بعض اسئلة اختبار مادة مهارات التفكير للسنوات الماضية

ماهو تعريف الكتابة الأكاديمية Academic Writing ؟

All Quizzes Discourse Analysis (شعبة الأولاد )