ثاني درس قواعد2
احب ان اذكركم ان جميع الدروس الاولى موجودة بالمدونة,,وماعليكم الا الضغط ع رسالة اقدم..في اسفل الصفحة
وكذلك هناك استفسارات عن ملخصات المستوى الثاني ,لمن يريدها فهي موجودة من محتويات شبتر6-10
ولمن يريد نقل المواضيع فهذا الشي جميل جدا ولكن كتابة رابط المدونة حتى يستطيعوا الرجوع اليها فربما تكون هناك مواضيع تفيدهم اكثر,,مع تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق في الدارين.
the Modals in the past &the Present.
We use modals to express certainty, probability, habits ,futurity, ability, and advisability.
We use modals to express certainty, probability, habits ,futurity, ability, and advisability.
verbs that add special meaning to the main verb.
must/may/will/should/can) watch the
Modals can
could ( do/
did /done)
Modals Different meanings
ability......can/could I can
invent new things.
2-Possibility....... may/might
you may pass the exam.
to/ had better you had better study
can A: It is very cold. B: You may
switch off the AC.
5-Request.......could/can/will/would Could you help me with my homework?
like/would rather........I would like to have ice tea.
to......The footballer must kick the ball into the goal.
not .....It can not be a mobile.
Why do
we use modals?
to add
further meanings to the verb.
used to V ( habit in the past) When I was young, I used to ride a bike.
am used to V ing
(habit in the past and now) I am used to smoking/ I am used to brushing my
Certainty ( dead sure)
-Present It must be the sun /
He must be crazy
-Past... .. .He must
have been the postman./
My flat is robbed. He must have been the thief.
- He is wearing feathers on his head. He must be crazy.
-Your friend came at
midnight yesterday. He must have had a problem.
-My neighbour went
to the hospital yesterday. He must have been sick.
-He divorced his
wife. She must have been a shrew.
-a person came to treat my sister. He must have been a
You should study.
- (You should have studied. (past)
He is our teacher. (
I am sure about that) He must be our
I saw our teacher. ( I was sure) He must have been our teacher.
I went home, and my brother was not there( I am sure he
He must have travelled./
- ( Must be ( I
am sure about present time)
You look horrible. You must be sick.
You carry a stethoscope. You must be a doctor.
-You do not wear a
ring. You must have divorced your wife. She must have
been nuts.
-Quiz ( must be/ must have should/ should have))
-You missed your
flight. You (should/should have) come early.
-When she came late,
the TV was on. Her kids ( must/ must have) left it open.
1-He must be crazy. He is selling his
car for just $10.
He……….. crazy. He sold his car for just $10.
2-He might be able to do it. He ………..to do it.
3-I know he'll be there. I ……….there.
4-You should go to the doctor's. You ……..to
the doctor's.
must have been
might have been able
knew he'd be
should have gone
must have been
might have been able
knew he'd be
should have gone
الفراغات الجمل اللي تحت
car won't start. My car……… start.
6-He's not used to all this attention. He ………all
this attention.
7-Anyone could do that - it's easy. Anyone…………
must get going. I'm late. I……….. going. I was late. ".
Wasn’t used to
Could have done
Had to get
Wasn’t used to
Could have done
Had to get
هذه كل اللي اخذناه بمحاضرة القواعد2 ونشكر الدكتور
اشرف ع شرحه المميز جدا وتوصيله للمعلومات بكل سهولة