اول محاضرة لمادة القراءة1
In the Name of Allah, the most gracious, the Most Merciful
Deanship of Distance & E-Learning.
READING 1 212 Eng
Objectives of the Course.
1- Build up knowledge of vocabulary.
2-Summarize passages in a simple language.
3-Scan for details.
4-Skim for the main theme.
5-Guess the meaning of difficult vocabulary.
6-Analyze a text into its basic ideas.
7-Compare and contrast ideas.
8-Reach conclusions.
9-Be familiar with language mechanics.
10- Be familiar with word morphology.
1- Build up knowledge of vocabulary.
2-Summarize passages in a simple language.
3-Scan for details.
4-Skim for the main theme.
5-Guess the meaning of difficult vocabulary.
6-Analyze a text into its basic ideas.
7-Compare and contrast ideas.
8-Reach conclusions.
9-Be familiar with language mechanics.
10- Be familiar with word morphology.
In actuality
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. While spending most of his early years at sea, Columbus began to believe that he could find a shortcut to the Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, the King of Portugal refused to finance such a trip, and Columbus was forced to present his idea to the King and Queen of Spain. In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed to pay for his trip. They gave him a crew and three ships, the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. Columbus sailed aboard the Santa Maria. The trip was long and hard. Many sailors grew restless and wanted to turn around. After two months at sea, land was finally sighted. The ships docked on the island of Hispaniola. Columbus named the native people he saw "Indians", because he believed he had found the shortcut he was looking for. In actuality, Columbus found North America, a brand new continent at that time. Columbus, however, couldn't be convinced. He died with the belief he had found the shortcut to the Indies. Soon, however, other explorers and nations understood the importance of his discoveries. Columbus' discoveries set the stage for the Age of Exploration, one of the most fascinating and exciting times in world history.
Answer the following questions
1-Where was Christopher Columbus from?
2-What was he? Where did he work?
3-What is his biggest achievement?
4-Who offered him help in his trip?
5-How long did his trip take?
6-What continent did Columbus discover?
7- Why did Columbus call the native people of the new continent
8-How did his sailors feel during the trip? Why?هذه معلومات اضافية ذكرها الدكتور
1-Where was Christopher Columbus from?
2-What was he? Where did he work?
3-What is his biggest achievement?
4-Who offered him help in his trip?
5-How long did his trip take?
6-What continent did Columbus discover?
7- Why did Columbus call the native people of the new continent
8-How did his sailors feel during the trip? Why?هذه معلومات اضافية ذكرها الدكتور
The Indies
The Indies or East Indies (or East India) is a term that has been used to describe the lands of South and Southeast Asia,[1] occupying all of the present India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, mostly Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, the Philippines, East Timor, and Malaysia. In a more restricted sense, the Indies can be used to refer to the islands of Southeastern Asia, especially the Malay Archipelago.[1][2] The name "Indies" is derived from the river Indus and is used to connote parts of Asia that came under Indian cultural influence (except Vietnam which comes under the Sinosphere).
The Indies or East Indies (or East India) is a term that has been used to describe the lands of South and Southeast Asia,[1] occupying all of the present India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, mostly Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Brunei, Singapore, the Philippines, East Timor, and Malaysia. In a more restricted sense, the Indies can be used to refer to the islands of Southeastern Asia, especially the Malay Archipelago.[1][2] The name "Indies" is derived from the river Indus and is used to connote parts of Asia that came under Indian cultural influence (except Vietnam which comes under the Sinosphere).
وهذه الفروق بين كلمات السفر
go on/take a trip We're thinking of taking a trip to the mountains.
He was unable to make the trip to accept the award.
WORD CHOICE: travel, travelling, journey, trip, voyage, crossing, flight
Travel (uncountable noun) and travelling are used to mean the general activity of moving from place to place
• Air travel is becoming cheaper.
• Her work involves a lot of travelling.!!You do not say 'a travel'.
Use journey to talk about travelling a long distance or travelling regularly, when the emphasis is on the travelling itself
• a long and difficult journey (NOT travel) through the mountains
• I read during the train journey to work.
• Did you have a good journey? (=Were you comfortable, was the train on time etc?)
He was unable to make the trip to accept the award.
WORD CHOICE: travel, travelling, journey, trip, voyage, crossing, flight
Travel (uncountable noun) and travelling are used to mean the general activity of moving from place to place
• Air travel is becoming cheaper.
• Her work involves a lot of travelling.!!You do not say 'a travel'.
Use journey to talk about travelling a long distance or travelling regularly, when the emphasis is on the travelling itself
• a long and difficult journey (NOT travel) through the mountains
• I read during the train journey to work.
• Did you have a good journey? (=Were you comfortable, was the train on time etc?)
A trip is when you go on a short journey, or a journey you do not usually make, and come back again. Use this when the emphasis is on where you are going or why you are going there
• my first trip to the States
• a business trip
• Was it a good trip? (=Did you achieve what you wanted to or have a good time there?)
Voyage is used for a long sea journey
• a voyage across the ocean
Crossing is used for a fairly short sea journey
• The crossing takes 90 minutes.
Flight is used for a journey by air
• Have a good flight!
وهذه معلومات خارجية مو مقررة ولكن فيها معاني الكلمات اللي تحتها خط في القطعه
Notes on Vocabulary
abroad.-in or to a foreign country: The books about Harry Potter are very popular now, both at home and abroad.
Aboard-on or onto a ship, plane, or train: They finally went aboard the plane.
short cut also short-cut [countable]
-a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one:
Carlos decided to take a short-cut home.
We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields.
finance [transitive]
-to provide money, especially a lot of money, to pay for something [= fund]:
The concerts are financed by the Arts Council.
Refused x Agreed
force [transitive]
-make somebody do something
to make someone do something they do not want to do [↪ persuade]
force somebody/yourself to do something
Due to the high cost of borrowing, many companies have been forced to close.
abroad.-in or to a foreign country: The books about Harry Potter are very popular now, both at home and abroad.
Aboard-on or onto a ship, plane, or train: They finally went aboard the plane.
short cut also short-cut [countable]
-a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one:
Carlos decided to take a short-cut home.
We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields.
finance [transitive]
-to provide money, especially a lot of money, to pay for something [= fund]:
The concerts are financed by the Arts Council.
Refused x Agreed
force [transitive]
-make somebody do something
to make someone do something they do not want to do [↪ persuade]
force somebody/yourself to do something
Due to the high cost of borrowing, many companies have been forced to close.
Notes on Vocabulary
[countable]all the people who work on a ship or plane: The plane crashed, killing two of the crew and four passengers.
crew of
-He joined the crew of a large fishing boat.
become/grow/get restless
unwilling to keep still or stay where you are, especially because you are nervous or bored.
-The children had been indoors all day, and were getting restless.
turn around=go home
sight [transitive]
to see something from a long distance away, or see something you have been looking for:
The sailors gave a shout of joy when they sighted land.
[countable]all the people who work on a ship or plane: The plane crashed, killing two of the crew and four passengers.
crew of
-He joined the crew of a large fishing boat.
become/grow/get restless
unwilling to keep still or stay where you are, especially because you are nervous or bored.
-The children had been indoors all day, and were getting restless.
turn around=go home
sight [transitive]
to see something from a long distance away, or see something you have been looking for:
The sailors gave a shout of joy when they sighted land.
هنا استخدام كلمة دوك المتعدده وهي تستخدم مع السفن ولها معنى ومع الكمبيوتر ويكون معناها مختلف ومع الحيوان ولها معنى الراتب
[intransitive and transitive]if a ship docks, or if the captain docks it, it sails into a dock so that it can unload
dock at/in
We docked at Rangoon the next morning.
2- dock somebody's wages/pay/salary
to reduce the amount of money you pay someone as a punishment:
The company has threatened to dock the officers' pay.
[transitive]to connect two computers using an electrical wire
dock something to/into/with something
Users can dock a laptop to their desktop setup.
[intransitive + with] if two spacecraft dock, they join together in space
[transitive]to cut an animal's tail short.
[intransitive and transitive]if a ship docks, or if the captain docks it, it sails into a dock so that it can unload
dock at/in
We docked at Rangoon the next morning.
2- dock somebody's wages/pay/salary
to reduce the amount of money you pay someone as a punishment:
The company has threatened to dock the officers' pay.
[transitive]to connect two computers using an electrical wire
dock something to/into/with something
Users can dock a laptop to their desktop setup.
[intransitive + with] if two spacecraft dock, they join together in space
[transitive]to cut an animal's tail short.
وهذه معلومات عن جزيرة هيسبانيولا طبعا معلومات اضافية مو مقرره
is a major island in the Caribbean, containing the two sovereign states of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The island is located between the islands of Cuba to the west and Puerto Rico to the east.
Hispaniola is the site of the first European colonies in the New World, which were founded by Christopher Columbus on his voyages in 1492 and 1493. It is the ninth-most-populous island in the world, and the most populous in the Americas.جزيرة هيسبانيولا هي ثاني أكبر جزر الأنتيل، وتقع شرقي كوبا. وصل كريستوفر كولمبوس على شواطئها في 5 ديسمبر 1492 م وفي رحلته الثانية أسس فيها أو مستعمرة إسبانية في العالم الجديد. تحتل هايتي ثلثها الغربي بينما تقع جمهورية الدومنيكان في ما تبقى من جزئها الشرقي. يذكر بعض المؤرخين دخول الإسلام فيها في القرن الخامس الهجري عن طريق التجار الأفارقة المسلمين.وهذه كمان معلومات اضافية تساعدنا في زيادة مخزون اللغة عندنا:
is a major island in the Caribbean, containing the two sovereign states of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The island is located between the islands of Cuba to the west and Puerto Rico to the east.
Hispaniola is the site of the first European colonies in the New World, which were founded by Christopher Columbus on his voyages in 1492 and 1493. It is the ninth-most-populous island in the world, and the most populous in the Americas.جزيرة هيسبانيولا هي ثاني أكبر جزر الأنتيل، وتقع شرقي كوبا. وصل كريستوفر كولمبوس على شواطئها في 5 ديسمبر 1492 م وفي رحلته الثانية أسس فيها أو مستعمرة إسبانية في العالم الجديد. تحتل هايتي ثلثها الغربي بينما تقع جمهورية الدومنيكان في ما تبقى من جزئها الشرقي. يذكر بعض المؤرخين دخول الإسلام فيها في القرن الخامس الهجري عن طريق التجار الأفارقة المسلمين.وهذه كمان معلومات اضافية تساعدنا في زيادة مخزون اللغة عندنا:
new and not yet used: a brand-new car.-His clothes looked brand-new.
1 [not before noun]feeling certain that something is true: Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.
new and not yet used: a brand-new car.-His clothes looked brand-new.
1 [not before noun]feeling certain that something is true: Molly agreed, but she did not sound very convinced.
ex‧plo‧rer [countable]
someone who travels through an unknown area to find out about it.
na‧tion [countable]
1-a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its social or economic structure:! In most situations, it is more usual to say country : I've been to countries all over the world.| Do you like this country?
2-a large group of people of the same race and language: the Cherokee nation
set the stage for something
to prepare for something or make something possible:
Will this agreement merely set the stage for another discovery?
ex‧plo‧ra‧tion [uncountable and countable]
1-the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or find something such as oil or gold in it: -oil exploration facilities in the North Sea
-You can then use this hut as a base for explorations into the mountains around.
exploration of :the exploration of space.
hut [countable]
a small simple building with only one or two rooms : a wooden hut
ex‧plo‧rer [countable]
someone who travels through an unknown area to find out about it.
na‧tion [countable]
1-a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its social or economic structure:! In most situations, it is more usual to say country : I've been to countries all over the world.| Do you like this country?
2-a large group of people of the same race and language: the Cherokee nation
set the stage for something
to prepare for something or make something possible:
Will this agreement merely set the stage for another discovery?
ex‧plo‧ra‧tion [uncountable and countable]
1-the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or find something such as oil or gold in it: -oil exploration facilities in the North Sea
-You can then use this hut as a base for explorations into the mountains around.
exploration of :the exploration of space.
hut [countable]
a small simple building with only one or two rooms : a wooden hut
التالي اجابات الاسئلة اللي ع القطعة:
Answer the following questions
1-Where was Christopher Columbus from?
He was born in Genoa, Italy.
2-What was he? Where did he work?
He was a sailor/Explorer. He spent most of his early years at sea.
3-What is his biggest achievement?
Columbus found North America.
4-Who offered him help in his trip?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
5-How long did his trip take?
After two months at sea, land was finally sighted.
6-What continent did Columbus discover?
North America.
7- Why did Columbus call the native people of the new continent ”Indians”?
Because he believed he had found the shortcut he was looking for.
8-How did his sailors feel during the trip? Why?
Many sailors grew restless and wanted to turn around because the trip was long and hard.
1-Where was Christopher Columbus from?
He was born in Genoa, Italy.
2-What was he? Where did he work?
He was a sailor/Explorer. He spent most of his early years at sea.
3-What is his biggest achievement?
Columbus found North America.
4-Who offered him help in his trip?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
5-How long did his trip take?
After two months at sea, land was finally sighted.
6-What continent did Columbus discover?
North America.
7- Why did Columbus call the native people of the new continent ”Indians”?
Because he believed he had found the shortcut he was looking for.
8-How did his sailors feel during the trip? Why?
Many sailors grew restless and wanted to turn around because the trip was long and hard.
9-Did Columbus know that he had discovered a brand new continent by the name of America? Why?
No, because he couldn't be convinced. He died with the belief he had found the shortcut to the Indies.
10- Why do you think his discovery is so important?
Columbus' discoveries set the stage for the Age of Exploration, one of the most fascinating and exciting times in world history.هذه اجابتها في المعلومات الاضافية المذكورة سابقا 11-Guess the meaning of the underlined words.
to finance
A Crew
12- To whom did Columbus present his idea?
Columbus was forced to present his idea to the King and Queen of Spain.
No, because he couldn't be convinced. He died with the belief he had found the shortcut to the Indies.
10- Why do you think his discovery is so important?
Columbus' discoveries set the stage for the Age of Exploration, one of the most fascinating and exciting times in world history.هذه اجابتها في المعلومات الاضافية المذكورة سابقا 11-Guess the meaning of the underlined words.
to finance
A Crew
12- To whom did Columbus present his idea?
Columbus was forced to present his idea to the King and Queen of Spain.
هذه اجابة السؤال اللي فيه صح وخطأ
Read the following statements, then decide whether they are true or false:
1-Christopher Columbus was Spanish. F
2-The King and Queen of Spain financed Columbus’s trip.T
3-Columbus ‘s crew felt tired during their trip. T
4-Columbus’s discovered Australia. F
5- Columbus found a new shortcut to the Indies. F
6- The new sea route discovered by Columbus was across the Pacific Ocean. F
7- Columbus’s trip took less than two weeks. F
8- Columbus can be called an explorer. T
1-Christopher Columbus was Spanish. F
2-The King and Queen of Spain financed Columbus’s trip.T
3-Columbus ‘s crew felt tired during their trip. T
4-Columbus’s discovered Australia. F
5- Columbus found a new shortcut to the Indies. F
6- The new sea route discovered by Columbus was across the Pacific Ocean. F
7- Columbus’s trip took less than two weeks. F
8- Columbus can be called an explorer. T
هذه اجابة سؤال وصل:
1-A 2-F 3-E 4-B 5-D 6-G 7-C
Language use
1- The use of punctuation marks: ( capital letters)
Use capital letters in the beginning of sentences, with names of people, places, seas, oceans, mountains. They are used with titles, unique things, days of the week, months, languages, nationalities, and specific movements.
Ex. Christopher Columbus, North America, Atlantic Ocean, Italy, Genoa, Age of Exploration, Egyptian, English, Sunday, March, Pinta (ship),and Mona.
2- Use v+ing after prepositions:
-We discovered a shortcut by sailing across the Atlantic.
-They are interested in playing games.
-My friend is fond of eating ice cream.
3-Prepositions of time/place/objects
ON is used with days of the week(Sunday-Friday), objects (the computer/ internet/ web/TV/radio/phone/campus/third floor)
AT is used with specific times(six o’clock), night, noon, dawn, school, faculty, university, home
1- The use of punctuation marks: ( capital letters)
Use capital letters in the beginning of sentences, with names of people, places, seas, oceans, mountains. They are used with titles, unique things, days of the week, months, languages, nationalities, and specific movements.
Ex. Christopher Columbus, North America, Atlantic Ocean, Italy, Genoa, Age of Exploration, Egyptian, English, Sunday, March, Pinta (ship),and Mona.
2- Use v+ing after prepositions:
-We discovered a shortcut by sailing across the Atlantic.
-They are interested in playing games.
-My friend is fond of eating ice cream.
3-Prepositions of time/place/objects
ON is used with days of the week(Sunday-Friday), objects (the computer/ internet/ web/TV/radio/phone/campus/third floor)
AT is used with specific times(six o’clock), night, noon, dawn, school, faculty, university, home
Language use
IN is used with years, months, and seasons.(2009, March, Summer). It is used with (in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening).Also, it is used with cities and countries( in Cairo, in Egypt)
4- Making adjectives with the verb+ing/ or the verb in the past participle
Note. verb+ing means having effect or impact on others
verb (p.p) means the person or object itself is affected.
EX. Mona is a boring girl. ( we do not enjoy her company)
Mona is bored.(Mona herself does not feel happy)
EX-interested/interesting exciting/excited fascinating/fascinated
convinced/convincing entertaining/entertained terrified/terrifying
IN is used with years, months, and seasons.(2009, March, Summer). It is used with (in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening).Also, it is used with cities and countries( in Cairo, in Egypt)
4- Making adjectives with the verb+ing/ or the verb in the past participle
Note. verb+ing means having effect or impact on others
verb (p.p) means the person or object itself is affected.
EX. Mona is a boring girl. ( we do not enjoy her company)
Mona is bored.(Mona herself does not feel happy)
EX-interested/interesting exciting/excited fascinating/fascinated
convinced/convincing entertaining/entertained terrified/terrifying
Read the following sentences, then correct the mistakes.
1-Yasser is a student at the university.
2- They get up at six o’clock to have breakfast.
3-We study English and Arabic.
4-We usually have our vacation on Friday.
5- Saudi Arabia is an oil-producing country.
6-This movie is boring. I do not like it.
7- We are fond of camping in the desert.
8- I am really frightened. The movie was about
1-Yasser is a student at the university.
2- They get up at six o’clock to have breakfast.
3-We study English and Arabic.
4-We usually have our vacation on Friday.
5- Saudi Arabia is an oil-producing country.
6-This movie is boring. I do not like it.
7- We are fond of camping in the desert.
8- I am really frightened. The movie was about
Read the reading passage again, then summarize the main ideas.
Main ideas in the passage are:
1-The Italian Sailor wanted to find a shortcut to the Indies.
2-The King and Queen of Spain supported him with money.
3-Christopher Columbus docked on the coast of North America, a new continent.
4-His exploration helped the whole world.
Now, use your own words to give the main ideas in the passage.
Main ideas in the passage are:
1-The Italian Sailor wanted to find a shortcut to the Indies.
2-The King and Queen of Spain supported him with money.
3-Christopher Columbus docked on the coast of North America, a new continent.
4-His exploration helped the whole world.
Now, use your own words to give the main ideas in the passage.
أخي في الله .
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