لكل من يريد مراجعة ماتمت مذاكرته ....في الانجليزي
هذه ملخصات لمعظم الدروس
من جمع طالبتان لهما الشكر الجزيل والعرفان الجميل ...دعواتكم لهما بالتوفيق على
مابذلتاه من مجهود
والملخصات اسئله وشرح
دكتور اشرف والتي تأتي منها الاسئله النهائيه...
اترككم معها....
الدرس الاول:
Afraid of
Nervous about
Worried about
Interested in
Curious about
Amazed at
Impression : my ideas , my opinion , my feeling
Bizarre: a person with a strange personality
I am used to : something I did in the past . I do now and I'll in the
Exotic: something or somewhere strange
A doggie bag : the bag in wich I take rimaining food
Amazed at : I wonder
So far : in this moment , until
Leftovers: rest of the food
1.. what was Simone's impression of
American streets and people?
Her impression is ; street was clean and people was frindly
2.. does kenji like Amrican food now?
Yes she does
3.. what is a doggie bag?
the bag in which I take remaining food
4.. what was Simone's problem in the
Mexican restaurant?
Restaurant was cold and no smoking
5.. where did Jennifer tell Simone smoke?
6..what does Simone mean when she says ''
when in Rome,do as the Roans do''?
She mean ; when you are in a country you have to respect their
customs, you have to follow their rules , you have to pat attention to
Word '' used to '' have two meaning :
1.. used to : I used to ride bike
when I was four
في هذه الجمله استخدمت لشي
عملته في الماضي وتوقفت عنه الان
2.. I am used to : I am used to smoking cigare
في هذه الجمله استخدمت لتوضيح
انه كان يعمله في الماضي والان ومازال مستمر
Used to
اذا جاء قبلهاا ( am , is , are) يضاف
الى الفعل ing
اما اذا جاءت كما هي (uesd to ) يكون
الفعل بعدها كما هو أي خال من أي اضافات
الدرس الثاني
The woods: a forest
. an adult: a person who is not a child
. adulthood: the time of life when a person is not a child
. a ceremony : a formal or traditional way of celebrating an
important event in a person's life
. responsible for: to be the person who must take care of something
. a passage: a change or movement
. to look forward to : to wait for an event with a feeling of pleasure
Responsible for
look forward to
wait for
take care of
بالنسبه لـ look forward to
اذا جاء بعدها اسم يجي عادي من غير اي
واذا جاء بعدها فعل لازم نضيف له ing
I look forward to meeting my barents
meet فعل اضفنا له ing
I look forward to france
فرنسا اسم .. لم نضيف له شي
تراث ثقافي cultural legacy
انجازات Achievements
قديم Ancient
تقنيه Technical
علميه Scientific
اراء Views
مفهوم ,معنى Concept
تغير Vary
كنيسه قديمه Cathedrals
رسامون Painters
نحاتون Sculptors
متاحف Museums
الادب الانجليزي ( شعر , روايه ) Literature
مسارح Theaters
اكتشافات Discoveries
طب , ادويه Medicine
ديانات Religions
اسلحه Weapons
مقاطعه شخص في الكلام Interrupt
اشاره باليد Wave
يخترع Invent
يقلق شخص . يسبب له قلق Irritate
فخور بنفسه , متكبر Proud
عظيم Magnificent
مشهور عالميا World famous
درجه اولى First class
له معنى Significant
متحمس Enthusiastic
سار .. جميل Pleasant
غير سار . غير جميل unPleasant
مؤدب polite
وقح Rude
صوت عالي Loudly
بشكل جميل Pleasantly
غير مهذب Impolitely
اعمال ادبيه .. اعمال فنيه Works of artn
موسيقى كلاسيكيه Classical music
قاعات موسيقيه Concert halls
صوت عالي In a loud voice
من شخص الى اخر One another
اختلاف ثقافي Cultural diversity
اخر شي ...
كلمه object
لها معنين يختلف بأختلاف طريقه النطق
اذا فاكرين احنا اخذنا في
المستوى الاول شي اسمه
stress the first syllable
stress the second syllable
بمعنى انه يوجد مقاطع في
الكلام اذا نطقت مشدده يختلف المعنى
يعني كلمه object اذا
كان المقطع الاول مشدد تكون بمعنى (موضوع )
اما اذا كان المقطع
الثاني مشدد تكون بمعنى ( اعتراض )
الدرس الثالث
اشاره باليد Sign:
يشاور باصبعه Pointing:
اسلاف .. اسلافنا Ancestral :
القرون الماضيه Previous centuries:
اساسي ,ضروري Essential :
منطقي Logical:
وصف Description:
الفيه Millennium :
حضاره Civilization :
مجتمعات Communities :
اخترع Create :
علم الفلك Astronomy :
تقويم Calendar :
تطور Develop
تنظيم , نظمت Organized :
حكومات Governments :
ادوات Tools :
حمايه Protection :
مجتمعات Societies :
تناقض Contradiction:
ابتسامه عريضه Grinning :
اعلانات Advertising :
مباشر Direct :
غير مباشر Indirect :
حركات Motions :
ايماءات Gestures :
مناسباتOccasions :
Give an example of body language from the passage
- Alain used his hands to make a sign of Zero
culture .
Werner is pointing his fingers to show approval .
What is the meaning of body language ?
-It mean showing meaning through facial
expressions, and movement of parts of the body ( hands – fingers – legs ).
To werner's view , what are the achievements of culture in the last thousand
years in Europe ?
-In the field of architecture , we have
castles and cathedrals .
In the field of art. We have painters , sculpotors , museums .
In the field of literature , music, we have theartres and concert halls.
Kamil's view of culture?
culture started in the Middle East and Africa 5 thousand years
achievements :
a-architecture and
b- scientific
discoveries :
to write.
Science of astronomy.
Use of calender.
Jade's concept of culture ?
thinks the culture developed in Asia.
developments of culture in Asia:
a- they organized
b- they built waller
c- they invented tools
for work.
d- they invented
weapons for protection.
Tell the difference between Jade and Kamil in the way they use body language
Jade uses little body language ,while Kamil A lot.
How are Ken and Kevin different from Jade and Kamil in their concept of
Ken and Kevin think that culture is now modern , universal , internatinal all
ovre world.
e.x ( fast food ,
eating hamburger , music, clothes )
Jade and Kamil think that culture is old , traditional.
What's Monica's concept of culture ?
- Monica think the culture means the
differences not sameness among different peoples , it is the diversity and
variety of customs and practices
e.x – people use
different way of greeting one another.
people use language in different ways and styles , some use body
language ( gestures – facial expressions – movements – motions ).
people use language in different styles ( formal – informal) ( direct –
indirect ).
people have different customs (our daily a ctivities , celebrations ,
holidays )
Give an example of body language axplaining it's meaning :
When I wave my hands , this means objection.
ثانياً كل الشكر والتقدير للطالبتين على مابذلوه من مجهودفي جمع الملخصات أسأل ان يجزيهم خير الجزاء وأن يوفقهم لما يحب ويرضى ويحقق لهم مايتمنون
تمنياتي للجميع بالنجاح
((دمتم بحفظ الرحمن))
فشكرا لك وللطالبتان اللتان قامتا بهذا العمل العظيم
موضوع رائع جدا ومفيد
لكن كان بودي لو ذكرتوا اسماء الطالبات لأن هذا ابسط حقوقهم ... تحيتي ..
(ليلى )